SWOT Analysis Guide [Examples and FREE Template]

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Are you looking for an easy way to gain a better understanding of your business, understand what is driving your success, and plan for the future? A SWOT analysis is a great tool for doing all of this. This SWOT Analysis Guide provides examples, a free template, and helpful information to help you create a comprehensive report on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing your organization. Let’s get started!

What is a SWOT Analysis

The SWOT framework is a very useful tool for the strategic planning and analysis of any business or organization. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats and allows businesses to assess their current situation and plan for the future. It helps identify potential areas of growth or improvement, as well as risks that may be present. By using this analysis, businesses can make informed decisions about strategies or actions to take in order to increase success.

swot analysis

Pros of SWOT Analysis

A SWOT Analysis offers invaluable insight for those making decisions at all levels of the organization, from upper management to individual teams. Here are five key pros of using this powerful tool:

  • Identify Strengths and Weaknesses. A SWOT Analysis can help identify an organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats. This information can help businesses make smarter decisions about how they utilize their resources and plan for the future.
  • Focus on Goals. By analyzing factors that could have an impact on achieving a specific goal, businesses are better able to focus their efforts in a more strategic way. This helps ensure that actions are taken in a way that could maximize positive outcomes while minimizing potential risks or drawbacks.
  • See the Big Picture. Having an overall view of what is happening within a business allows those making decisions to take into account more than just immediate consequences but also the long-term effects of certain choices further down the line.
  • Improve Communication and Collaboration. Conducting a SWOT Analysis encourages collaboration between different teams, departments, or individuals within an organization. Doing so helps ensure everyone involved is aligned for collective success by creating a shared understanding of all factors impacting decision-making processes.
  • Gain Insight and Make Informed Decisions. When all relevant pieces of information are taken into consideration, organizations gain valuable insight which can help guide conversations around strategy development, budgeting priorities, and more leading to better-informed decision-making overall.

Cons of SWOT Analysis

Although a SWOT Analysis is a useful tool, there can be certain drawbacks that should be considered when utilizing this framework. Here are three potential cons of the SWOT Analysis:

  • Time Consumption. Conducting a thorough and accurate SWOT Analysis requires significant time. It can be a lengthy process to collect, analyze, and synthesize all relevant data into actionable insights.
  • Potential for Bias. As with any analysis or assessment, there can be potential bias as to what is included in the process. This could lead to incomplete results or faulty conclusions if too much emphasis is placed on one particular aspect of the analysis over others.
  • Limited Usefulness Over Time. The facts and data used for most SWOT Analyses will change over time, thus making them less effective in predicting future outcomes with certainty. To be successful with this method, it must be regularly updated as new developments unfold in order to remain applicable and accurate.

Breaking Down a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)

Writing a good SWOT analysis is crucial for small businesses looking to expand quickly and keep an advantage over emerging competitors.

Conducting a SWOT analysis is about analyzing every aspect of a company and developing potential strategies accordingly. First, we’ll go through each of the components of a SWOT analysis and what to put down for each section to help you conduct a SWOT analysis. Make sure to research how to do a competitive analysis to get an idea of what your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses are.


Your first step is to identify and list business strengths. This can include internal strengths, such as your unique selling points, teams, processes, technical expertise, tools, and other factors contributing to business success.

Then identify external strengths, such as supplier relations, advantage in the market over others, marketing, and online presence, additional services offered/value-adds, etc.


This is the tough part of the four quadrants since it’s difficult to confront the strengths and weaknesses of a business objectively. But your main priority here is to identify the company’s weaknesses both internally and externally. Think of this as the building blocks to help you convert weaknesses into strengths.

This could include external environment factors such as pricing, competition, lowered demand, and more. It can also include internal weaknesses that negatively affect the business, such as a lack of budget, small teams, etc.


Now that you’ve done a deep dive into your business’s strengths and your business’s weaknesses, it’s time to identify potential opportunities. Based on the strengths and weaknesses you’ve laid out, where does your company have the advantage?

Are there markets where you’re performing well that can be further expanded? Do you have a strong marketing strategy that you could ramp up to drive demand? Think of the external factors you’ve identified and where your business might have an opportunity to grow. Research how to create a one-page marketing plan and other business marketing plan tips to help you further develop your strategies.


The threats part of SWOT analyses can also scare off many. Essentially, the goal here is to look at potential threats that could negatively impact your business. Again, this can include internal issues and external threats that you identify. Internal threats can include lack of staff, budgetary constraints, and other threats. External threats, as an example, can include markets you are not taking advantage of, negative reviews, strong competitors, and supplier issues.

Internal and External Factors

When looking at internal versus external factors, it’s important to differentiate between the two and understand how they could impact your business. Let’s take a look at both below…

Internal Factors

Internal factors are related to your internal environment and can include items such as team size, resources, budget, processes, equipment, etc. These are things within the control of your business, and can strongly affect the end result.

External Factors

External factors refer to those elements outside of your control, such as the market size and the economy. These factors can be difficult to adjust since they are largely out of your sphere of control, but you should still identify them and be aware of how they could impact your business.

How do You do a SWOT Analysis?

A SWOT analysis provides businesses with an outline of the current state and tangible areas to focus on for improved performance or development. Research how to perform a personal swot analysis if you are conducting a SWOT analysis for yourself. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do a successful business SWOT analysis:

Step 1: Gather Data

The first step in conducting a SWOT Analysis is to gather internal and external data about you or your company. Internal data includes financial statements, customer feedback surveys, and employee reviews, while external data may include industry trends and news reports from around the world. This data will help identify your strengths and weaknesses as well as potential opportunities and threats in the environment.

Financial Statements

Financial statements are key for any company wanting to conduct a SWOT Analysis. These documents provide insight into your company’s revenue, expenses, assets, and liabilities. Knowing these numbers can help you identify where your company stands financially.

Employee Feedback

Employee feedback is an essential resource for any company looking to conduct an effective SWOT Analysis. This data can provide insight into the issues facing your business, as well as potential solutions that could be beneficial for the company.

Step 2: Brainstorm

Once you have gathered the necessary data, it’s time to start brainstorming around it. Break down the information into categories such as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Start by listing out any ideas that come up during the brainstorming process without any judgments or filters. Don’t worry if some of these seem far-fetched or irrelevant. This list is simply meant as a starting point for further examination into each category.


Some of the strongest areas for your business could include a strong brand, motivated employees, an excellent track record with customers, a presence in multiple markets, and more.


Areas where you could stand to improve include communication, customer service, lack of employees with specific skill sets, limited resources, etc.


Potential areas of growth could include international expansion, increased market share in a certain region, new products, or a better customer experience.


External factors to keep an eye on could include new competition, changes in the economy, or shifting customer preferences.

Step 3: Analyze Strengths

The next step is analyzing the strength category by asking questions such as what are your main advantages, what resources do you have access to, or what makes your company stand out in the market. Looking at these inquiries objectively will allow you to gain insight into what makes you or your company successful.


Some of the main advantages could include a great reputation in the industry, a team of experienced employees, access to capital resources, and more.


What resources do you have access to that others in the market may not? This could include things such as experienced advisors, research and development teams, or reliable suppliers.

Unique Features

What makes your company stand out in the market? This could include a strong brand, state-of-the-art technology, or a diversified product line.

Step 4: Analyze Weaknesses

Continuing on from analyzing strengths comes looking at weaknesses within yourself or your organization. What processes could be improved? Where can decisions be better informed? Allowing yourself and your team time to think about areas that need attention ensures that possible solutions can be discussed further down the line.


Are there any processes that could be improved upon or streamlined? This can include anything from the way customer complaints are handled to the approval process for new projects.


Are decisions being made with enough information? Having access to the right data is key for making informed decisions that will benefit the company.


Do you have access to the right experts that can help make better decisions or provide assistance in certain areas of the business? If not, what steps can be taken to obtain the necessary expertise?

Step 5: Identify Opportunities

In order to find potential opportunities for change and growth look toward external factors such as what new technologies are emerging, what regulations are changing, and whether there are gaps in current products or services providing space for improvement. Keeping up with current events opens your mind up to alternative options.

Step 6: Analyze Threats

External factors can also bring along with them possible threats. What competition exists in your market? Does anything pose a risk of disruption within existing services or products being provided? Monitoring all aspects of outside forces should be continuously done in order to optimize decision-making abilities when needed quickly.

Step 7: Construct an Action Plan + Implement Solutions

Applying possible solutions found through each of these steps comes down to constructing an action plan on how they can be implemented within your organization. Writing out desired goals in regards to members responsible for obtaining them by certain dates set out beforehand coupled with methods of their achievement should lead towards meeting targets quickly and efficiently.

SWOT Analysis Template

Now that we’ve gone through some examples in different industries, how do you get started on creating a SWOT analysis of your own? Luckily, this kind of analysis is pretty easy to structure. You can create one using your computer or even just divide a piece of paper into four quadrants and start writing.

As a helpful tool, we’ve created a template for you below to get started with your SWOT analysis:

SWOT Analysis Examples

When trying to come up with a SWOT analysis for your own business, it’s sometimes easier to see what others in your industry are doing. Before conducting a SWOT analysis for your company, you can look at some examples below to get some inspiration.

SWOT Analysis Example: Small Business

Regardless of industry, it can be difficult for a small business to identify weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Here’s a great example to help you understand how to structure your SWOT analysis:

SWOT Analysis Example: Small Business

image: salesforce

Marketing SWOT Analysis

For businesses focusing on improving one specific aspect of the business, such as sales or marketing, here is a marketing SWOT analysis example that you can use as a starting point for your own SWOT analysis.

Marketing SWOT Analysis

image: strategus

3. Company SWOT Analysis Example

For larger companies, it’s sometimes difficult to hone down and focus on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats because there are so many competing aspects. That’s why it can be helpful to look at a SWOT Analysis of a company example to help you structure your own.

Company SWOT Analysis Example

image: mktoolboxsuite

SWOT Analysis Example for a Restaurant

Food service businesses tend to have their own unique challenges, so identifying potential strategies is often difficult. However, using a Restaurant SWOT analysis example, you can build off it and create a SWOT analysis for your business that’s reflective of the market.

image: marketingstudyguide

Acting on Your Results

A SWOT analysis is a powerful tool for understanding the internal and external factors that are impacting your business and is useful for startups, along with a proper business plan. It’s important to use the results of the analysis to create actionable steps and set realistic timelines for reaching your goals.

By staying focused and organized, you can use a SWOT analysis to make analysis a part of your long-term business strategy to ensure the future success of your business. And if you don’t have a business plan, be sure to research how to write a business plan to help set your business up for success. While on the subject of planning, make sure to also learn how to create a one-page marketing plan. With all the data you have from your SWOT analysis, you will be able to establish a more effective marketing strategy.

SWOT Analysis Tips

A strong SWOT analysis is about diving deep into your business and collating all the information in an organized way. The more you’re able to tap into what makes your business unique and what needs to improve, the more actionable your SWOT analysis will be.

Here are some tips to ensure you’re getting the most out of a SWOT analysis:

Don’t be afraid: A good SWOT analysis is about confronting each part of the business: the good, the bad, and everything in between. Of course, it can be difficult to put down everything and objectively confront aspects of the business. However, it’s important to move past that feeling and be truly objective about your business – that will ultimately help it improve.

Ask for feedback: To make sure your SWOT analysis truly covers everything, ask for feedback and suggestions. Involving a mix of team members, including more senior and junior stakeholders, can help you spot problems you might not have known about.

Be systematic: Sometimes, the easiest way to fill out a SWOT analysis is to have a system. That can mean going through internal issues across each quadrant first and then moving to external factors. Or you can choose to do two quadrants at a time, such as strengths and opportunities if that is easier.

Create timelines: In order for your SWOT analysis to be actionable, you need to create timelines alongside to meet your goals. For all the opportunities you identify, what is a reasonable timeframe to make them happen? For threats, think about how close or far threats are so you can prioritize action items more realistically.

Learn business abbreviations and acronyms: In order to make sure you’re accounting for everything in the business, it’s important to learn any business abbreviations or acronyms that are used in the industry, especially for external factors.

Image: Envato Elements

This article, "SWOT Analysis Guide [Examples and FREE Template]" was first published on Small Business Trends

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