8 Care to Open a Home Business

9 Care to open a home business

Working from home has its advantages, however, you'll need a lot of discipline so that this does not hinder your productivity. It is essential to define the physical space between home and work and take care that there is no interference in family day-to-day business. 

Following are eight points relevant to the success of the project are: 

1 Make sure the questions of zoning, health and hygiene in general strict for those working in the areas of food and cosmetics. Check the laws governing the zoning district where you live and see if there is any impediment to starting a business at home. 

2 Ask the business license at your municipal office. 

3 Have a room in the house to get customers, suppliers or even the employee entrance. 

4 Have a separate phone line for the business. Always meet in a formal way and, in its absence, prefer the answering machine. There are services offered by virtual offices. 

5 Register a domain on the internet for the creation of your company's website. A website is a great business card and helps to give credibility to a new business. 

6 Set times for the beginning and end of the workday. 

7 Establish clear rules with your family, to avoid mixing problems and situations of domestic life with the company. 

8 Dress professionally, as if in the office.

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