10 WordPress Backup Plugin Tools

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For WordPress site owners, having a backup plugin is absolutely crucial. There is always a risk of data breaches, security problems, or even common human errors when making website updates that can lead to losing your website entirely. And the impact of data loss on business can be catastrophic. The best way to protect your website is by using backup plugins to keep your data safe and secure. That’s why we’ve rounded up some of the best WordPress backup plugins for your WordPress website for you to consider.

10 Best WordPress Backup Plugins

WordPress backup plugins hold a lot of value for your website, which is why it’s so crucial to find the right one for you. Any backup plugin you use should include features to help restore your site, such as automatic backups, the ability to restore backups, and multiple cloud storage options depending on where your data is housed. In addition, wIn addition, WordPress backup plugins compared to one another can help you select the best one as you look for a website backup solution.

1. UpDraftPlus

UpDraftPlus is known as a trusted WordPress backup tool that can work for your entire site. With UpDraftPlus, you can restore your site in just a few clicks, making it simple and easy. Plus, you can schedule WordPress backups with the tool quickly, and it also offers a variety of advanced tools to keep your site safe.

The free and premium versions of UpDraftPlus offer manual backups, automated scheduled backups, and easy restoration options. The premium version has additional backup options, plus dedicated support and remote storage options.

Pricing: $42 annual fee

2. BlogVault

blogvault is a reliable backup plugin that has received rave reviews. If you’re looking for a WordPress plugin that offers secure cloud backups and allows you to schedule automatic backups, then BlogVault should be on your radar. BlogVault also features incremental backups, which means putting less load on servers and keeping your website performing well. It also offers quick restoration of websites and more to ensure a strong backup process.

Pricing: BlogVault has a free 7-day trial, with pricing starting at $89 for website backup, $149 for backup and security, and $249 for real time backups and more.

3. Duplicator

duplicator is a backup plugin for WordPress and also a migration plugin. That means you can use Duplicator to easily switch websites without losing the data while also backing up the entire WordPress site with zero downtime in between.

Duplicator is the best backup plugin for those looking to manually backup their websites and creates cloned versions to restore backups as needed. The paid version of Duplicator includes automatic backups to Dropbox, Google Drive, and other remote storage locations.

Pricing: Duplicator is free; Duplicator Pro ranges between $69-549 depending on needs.

4. JetPack Backup

JetPack Backup is another popular backup solution for WordPress sites and also includes a host of useful features. JetPack Backups offers database backups, cloud storage backup, offline restoration and is a complete backup solution that’s perfect for a WordPress website. Plus, the JetPack Backup plugin includes full backups, an incremental backup feature, and a differential option for real-time backups.

Pricing: Starts at $9, $11, or $47 a month billed annually.

5. WP Database Backup

WP Database Backup is a WordPress backup solution that is best for databases and contact information. WP Database Backup offers both automated backups and a manual backup option as well. You can get complete backups of your database with this plugin and store your backups on Amazon s3, Google Drive, Dropbox, and more.

Pricing: WP Database Backup is a free backup plugin

6.  BackWPup

BackWPup is considered a top choice for the best WordPress backup plugin for many reasons. It has a wide range of features, including automated backups, unlimited backup archives, and more. With BackWPup, you can create a backup schedule that works for you and push backups to offsite storage as needed. BackWPup works with Rackspace Cloud Storage, Amazon S3, and other serves to store your backups on.

Pricing: Starts at $69 up to $349 depending on the package selected

7. BackupBuddy

Backup Buddy is a popular WordPress backup plugin since it’s easy to use with WordPress as the hosting provider. With Backup Buddy, you can create automatic backup schedules for your website and WordPress files. You’ll be able to back up your site to offsite storage and monitor server resources easily to ensure your website is performing well. Your backup file will contain every element of your website, making it easy to restore in case of an emergency or crash.

Pricing: Pricing starts at $80 for the year up to $199.

8.  WP Time Capsule

WP Time Capsule provides both website backups and website staging, so it’s the best WordPress backup tool if you’re looking for those features as well. Using the plugin, you can perform incremental backups to preserve resources and keep your website running fast. That means once it’s installed and does an initial backup, it’ll only perform a backup when new changes are made to the website. All changes are backed up immediately, and it saves a lot of server space in the long run as backup files are smaller.

Pricing: Starts at $49 a year, up to $199 a year.

9. BackUpWordPress

If you’re searching for a free plugin to back up your site, BackUpWordPress might be the best option for you. With BackUpWordPress, you get a complete backup of your site, and you can also schedule backups as needed for added flexibility. However, BackUpWordPress does not support backup to cloud storage such as Dropbox or Google Drive, which might be a limiting option for some.

Pricing: Free

10. WPVivid

WPVivid is great for those needing a free WordPress backup plugin. With WPVivid, users can backup, restore, and migrate their websites all with one easy tool. Users can do complete backups, including automatic scheduled backups to offsite storage such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and Amazon S3. There is also the option of a premium WordPress backup plugin with the WPVivid Pro version. The pro version includes more customization options for website owners.

Pricing: Starts at $49 up to $149.

What is a WordPress backup plugin tool?

A WordPress backup plugin tool is used to ensure that a WordPress website is backed up and can be restored if needed. The backup plugin is added to a website’s WordPress dashboard and can be used to schedule automatic backups with WPVivid, or users can manually back up a website if needed.

Why do you need to backup your WordPress site?

With so many risks abound for data breaches, hacks, server downtime, and more, backing up your WordPress website is more important than ever. Here are some of the reasons why it is so vital to have your WordPress website backed up.

  1. Data Security: Keeping your data secure is an important part of your business, and website backups help ensure security. You can periodically back up your site to ensure all your data is safe somewhere and can be accessed if needed during an emergency.
  2. Quick website restoration: Websites are always under threat, whether a random crash or a hacking attempt. By backing up your WordPress website, you can protect your data and quickly restore your website if it crashes or falls victim to a hack.
  3. Prevent data loss: When websites go down or get hacked, you lose access to your site and lose valuable data. Not only does backing up your site keep your data secure, but it also prevents major data loss overall so that you don’t lose changes or updates.
  4. Protection against human error: WordPress backups keep your website safe from human error. Regular backups can help optimize website performance and serve as a safety measure when updates and changes are being made. Even if a mistake is made along the way, users can quickly restore websites.

How do you choose the best WordPress backup plugin?

Choosing the best WordPress backup plugin is about evaluating several different factors to choose the right one. There are plugins on the market to choose from, so understanding some of the different considerations can be helpful to narrow down choices.

  1. Storage options: Where is the backup plugin saving its backup, and how easily can backup files be accessed? Many backup plugins can save on offsite storage locations such as Google Drive, Dropbox, etc., which might be more secure. Other backup plugins may not offer those capabilities and save on the same server as the website, which could be less secure.
  2. Pricing: Another factor to consider is pricing. You can go for a free WordPress backup plugin that has limited functions but is cost-effective, or forego the free version and pick a premium plugin with more capabilities depending on budget.
  3. Regular updates: When looking at WordPress plugins, it’s just as crucial to see how often they update the plugin (if ever) and how well it works after updates are rolled out. If plugins are not updated regularly or don’t work that well, they can be outdated and pose a risk to the site.
  4. Automatic vs. manual: Some WordPress backup plugins are easy to use because they automate backups and work on a schedule. This can be a really good option for many, but it can also pose risks. Data loss and other issues can occur if backups don’t go to plan or are not configured correctly. Manual backups offer a bit more control in the process but might be inefficient if teams do not back up the website at the frequency needed.
  5. Other features: Depending on business needs, looking at other features the plugin offers can also help during the selection process. Some plugins offer additional options such as migrations, website staging, and other customizations as needed. However, some plugins may not offer any additional features or do not add much to the plugin making it less appealing.

Image: Depositphotos

This article, "10 WordPress Backup Plugin Tools" was first published on Small Business Trends

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