Spotlight: How This Founder Brings Passion and Experience to Mobile Music and Education for Kids
Some entrepreneurs go into business to make money. Others aim to make a difference in the lives of their customers. Mobile Music and Education for Kids is a passion project that falls into the latter category.
The founder uses her background in music and education to provide a unique approach to learning. Read about the philosophy and the organization in this week’s Small Business Spotlight.
What the Business Does
Provides music and overall education for the whole child.
Founder Wanda Micheal told Small Business Trends, “A whole child approach to education is defined by policies, practices, and relationships that ensure each child, in each school, in each community is healthy and safe, engaged, supported, and challenged, sets the standard for comprehensive, sustainable school improvement and provides for long term success.”
Business Niche
Providing a fun and creative way to learn.
Micheal says, “We educate kids through the arts and fitness!”
How the Business Got Started
To use unique skills to help children in need.
Micheal explains, “I majored in both music and early childhood education. I opened a learning center with hopes of helping children with disabilities.”
Biggest Win
Creating an educational game for kids.
Micheal says, “I am in the last process of my educational game hitting stores. A representative from Mattel toy company told me to submit my idea to them before releasing it to the public. I used the game for several years, only to realize how much kids were retaining, and how much fun they were having while learning!”
Biggest Risk
Running a nonprofit instead of a business.
Micheal adds, “I love children, and I don’t want to see any child do without because of their parents income. I would turn down contracts that were requesting my services to those that didn’t need it. My vision is to help those that less fortunate, and those that are doing without because of money.”
Lesson Learned
Never stop dreaming.
Micheal explains, “I would take my concept nationwide! I have a daughter that’s an educator, so I’m hoping she will carry the torch when I’m done!”
How They’d Spend an Extra $100,000
Purchasing musical instruments, fitness equipment, books, and supplies.
Favorite Quote
“A Good Student Is One Who Will Teach You Something.” -Irving Kaplansky.
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Image: Mobile Music and Education for Kids, Wanda Micheal
This article, "Spotlight: How This Founder Brings Passion and Experience to Mobile Music and Education for Kids" was first published on Small Business Trends
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