Shopify Gift a Business Lets You Buy a Pre-Built Ecommerce Shop

Ecommerce giants Shopify is launching a new feature known as Gift A Business. The aim of the initiative is to encourage people to purchase a business for a budding entrepreneur if their life.

Shopify’s Exchange Marketplace enables people to buy and sell businesses. The platform’s new Gift A Business feature allows anyone to purchase a pre-built Shopify store for family and friends. Gift A Business is available for the duration of the holiday season. The scheme starts on November 16, 2020.

Shopify Gift a Business

We all know somebody that has longed to be their own boss and run their own small business. Job insecurity has increased in the wake of the pandemic. So too has the number of people working from home. Given the uncertain jobs climate and the greater demand for working flexibility, now could be the perfect time to give wannabe entrepreneurs the business they’ve always dreamt of.

Furthermore, despite the insecurities presented by the pandemic, a large proportion of small business owners feel optimistic about the future. With this in mind, now could be the right time to encourage people we care about to start their own business.

As Nicole Martins Ferreira, Exchange Marketplace’s marketing manager, explains: “”Every person who’s always dreamed of starting a business needed their first push. Maybe it’s a friend who believes in them or a parent who supports their dream. We’re launching Gift A Business to encourage friends and family of potential entrepreneurs to support a person’s desire to pursue something bigger than themselves.”

There are over 10,000 Shopify stores for sale on the Exchange Marketplace. The ecommerce stores represent a range of niches, including fashion, health and beauty, home, automotive, and more.

Small Business Starter Pack

The recipients of a Gift A Business gift will receive a starter pack to help aspiring entrepreneurs succeed with their new venture. The package also includes a business certificate, a printable holiday card, a subscription credit, and five e-books about entrepreneurship.

The cost of the businesses range from $50 to $250. Shopify’s Exchange Marketplace was launched in 2017. Since then, thousands of Shopify stores have been bought and sold on the exchange platform.

As we exit this tumultuous year, now could be the ideal time to boost a budding entrepreneur’s spirits in buying them their own business. That way, they won’t have any excuse in leaving their small business venture to another day.


This article, "Shopify Gift a Business Lets You Buy a Pre-Built Ecommerce Shop" was first published on Small Business Trends

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