Discover the Site that Recruits Professionals to Work and Travel the World

Remote Year - Travel with interesting people while working remotely

If you want to get out of the routine, a chance worth trying in Remote Year, a site dedicated to finding job opportunities for creative and professional travelers.

The tool was created recently, but already deserves much attention. The program creates all the logistics of travel and lodging for selected 100 professional, yet combining the new friendships and collaborations among participants, avoiding the isolation so common for remote work. The period is between two to five weeks in 18 different locations around the world, which has good results in both professional and personal experience, and cultural exchange.

Remote Year - site that recruits professionals to work and travel the world

Those selected will work for partner companies the site, in any area and for any skill level, based on skills and other qualities of the curriculum. Registration for the first group are open, with plans to start in June 2015, So enjoy!

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